I'm long overdue for an update! Here are some photos of events over the last month:

Last year I went back to the States for Thanksgiving, but this year I returned to my tradition from my first year in Tokyo and hosted a Thanksgiving dinner party at my house in Haneda. As luck would have it, nearly all my guests had to cancel the night before. I was still able to celebrate with my host family, though.
- Left: Since I am not a great cook, a large portion of the meal was purchased at Costco. (I couldn't have made a pumpkin pie that good myself, anyways...). I did, however, make "smashed" potatoes entirely on my own for the first time, though.
- Right: After dinner we all played a rousing game of Skip-bo.

- Left: The head teacher at my school is leaving and this past Saturday I joined him and about 20 of our students for a Farewell party in Ginza. (One of my students called it a "welfare" party by accident!) Here is a shot of the dinner that was held in an izakaya, which is a traditional type of Japanese restaurant.
- Right: Another year of Christmas lights near Roppongi Hills (see this post for last year's lights). I go to this spot every year, and every year it's still beautiful.

- Left: Down the street from Roppongi Hills is another major shopping area, called Tokyo Midtown. These trucks are always parked outside selling things to shoppers (the first one sells souvenirs and the other one sells snacks), and the signs on the trucks never fail to make me laugh!
- Right: Once again, the lawn at Tokyo Midtown was beautifully lit. You can't tell from the picture but the lights here were actually changing colors and shapes and they even included advertisements for the sponsors!