- Left: just a picture I took last week of the Metropolitan Government office in Shinjuku.
- Right: see the construction worker? Take a close look; it's actually a robot. He waves his arms at traffic and everything. These things sometimes look so realistic that once when I saw one folded up in a cart at the end of the night, I thought it was a dead body. My other favorite part of the photo? The picture of the guy bowing on the sign to the left of the robot.
I've been in Tokyo for half a year now. But even though I love living here so much, there are definitely a lot of things from home that I miss a lot. Last night, for example, was the first time I slept on a western-style bed--as opposed to the futon mat on the floor--since my last night in America last September. (Thanks to my awesome flatmate for getting it for me and bringing it to the apartment!) That got me thinking about all the stuff I haven't done in a while, and as a result of this thinking, I have decided to revive one of my favourite pastimes of making lists. So here is one, just for kicks and giggles, of the things I haven't done since arriving in Japan:
- eaten turkey sandwiches (actually, I just did that for the first time in Japan only two weeks ago)
- used a dryer for my clothes when I do laundry
- driven a car
- used a debit card/written a check
- turned on the television/radio and understood what I heard
- had central heating
- successfully read a label at the grocery store
- bought a single piece of fruit for less than $.80