- Top left: Kangaroos! These are red kangaroos, and you actually get to walk right through their pen. There was nothing in between me and them except a few feet of ground when I took this picture.
- Top right: Koala.
- Middle left: Tigers. The one on the bottom was still working on tearing up a huge piece of raw meat.
- Middle right: penguins. Can't remember the specific name of this penguin, but they're supposed to be the smallest penguins in the world.
- Bottom left: This was what Carla was the most excited about. This lion was obliging and looked right at me for the picture! Click on the picture to see the larger version.
- Bottom right: Just a minute or so before the ferry hit a wave and we all got wet...
Carla and I went to the Sydney Zoo yesterday. What a trip! It was really expensive (even with the student discount), but worth it. I got the long-awaited pictures of kangaroos and koalas, and I also got to see some other interesting things.
Absolutely no rain, either. We couldn't have asked for better weather, really. The only time we got wet was on the ferry ride home, and we got pretty wet then. Yucky salt water. Back at Circular Quay, Carla and I went and got 50 cent ice cream cones at McD. It's probably the only time in Sydney that I've gotten something for less than $1.
Well...this is my last post from Sydney. I'll be home in about 48 hours or so. I've had so much fun with this blog, and I hope all of you have enjoyed the pictures. (I've got lots more pictures that I'd love to share, by the way. But you'll have to come hang out with me to see the rest.)
Thanks to everyone who stayed in touch while I was gone. It was really nice to hear from people at home, and I hope we can do the same when I leave for Japan in a couple months. I will be using this blog again when I get there, so keep this address handy. Until then, I'll try and update every once in a while so everyone can know my exact departure, etc.
Thanks again! See you all soon.