Just a quick little note to let you all know that my internet's down, so communication will be a little unpredictable for a while. Can't complain too much, though. We were stealing wireless from the neighbors instead of actually paying for it. We're signed up to get DSL but they can't come set us up for 3 or 4 weeks, so I can't say how often I'll be online for the next while. I do miss you all and will be checking e-mail and Skype voicemail as often as possible, so I'd still love to hear from you.
No uber-exciting photos to add yet, either, but trust me; some really good ones are on the way. The above photo is one that I took from the train not long after I arrived. As you may have guessed, it's a little farther away from Tokyo than where I live. I like seeing the green, though. Something I haven't seen a whole lot of since I left Oregon. I saw some evergreen trees the other day and it almost made me a bit teary eyed...
Hope everyone is well!
P.S. Also a reminder that Japan does not have daylight savings time, so for those of you who live on the west coast of the US, we now have a 17 hour time difference instead of 16. (i.e. 6am Tuesday in Oregon is 11pm Tuesday in Tokyo.)
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