Monday, February 26, 2007


  • Top left: one of my co-workers mentioned that he was going to set his goldfish free in the local river because he'd rather have some pet shrimp. Naturally, there was no way I was going to let him do that, so Eugene and I convinced him to bring it to work. Now we have a fishie at our school!!
  • Top right: Take a look at the chopsticks I picked up last month.
  • Bottom left: this is a picture of me making the scary face with my branch manager. After viewing it on playback she said, "Sorry, I'm just not good at making that face."
  • Bottom right: the one single benefit of all the smog in Tokyo is that it reflects the sunset beautifully. I took this picture just a couple hours ago at the train station by my school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, You are alive! The Mom was worried, but I showed your update to her. Love you, Taffie