Sunday, September 09, 2007

The long awaited update

OK, so I officially haven't posted anything in a month. Sorry guys. This summer, especially August, has been particularly busy for me. But I'm happy to report that I have successfully renewed my visa and don't have to worry about being deported or anything like that. Things aren't going as smoothly at my current job, though, so there's a possibility that I'll be actively looking for a new job or maybe even checking into one-way tickets back to PDX (not my first choice, though). I'll try to keep things updated here.

But for now, here's a smattering of pictures that I've taken over the last couple weeks:

  • Top left: This is a picture of my friend Laura about 30 minutes before she went into surgery to have her tonsils removed. She's just giving you one last look at them. (Sorry Laura, I couldn't resist posting it.)
  • Top right: Ran some errands in Shibuya one night and this is the sunset I had the pleasure of seeing. Honestly, it's one of the most beautiful I've seen recently.
  • Bottom left: this one's just for kicks. I thought it was funny that they actually illustrated the poo. In true Japanese style, it looks so...neat.
  • Bottom right: Azamino, which is the area of Yokohama where I live, had it's annual "matsuri", or summer festival. I got there just in time to see the fireworks!

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