Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Gakugei-daigaku Autumn Festival

One of the wonderful aspects of Japan: people are crazy about having festivals. In the area where my school is, everyone is preparing for some kind of festival or another it seems. This week, there was an Autumn Festival right outside my school. Here are a few pics:

  • Top left: Processional that came up the street near my school. There was also drumming which everyone was chanting with.
  • Top right: the processional stopped at a stage area right outside the Gakugei-daigaku train station. You can see some of the musicians with flutes in this pic.
  • Bottom left: many people set up tarps with household items for sale. Lots of super cheap dishes, etc. I bought tea cups for 50 yen apiece. This picture was taken right outside the stairs which lead up to my school.
  • Bottom right: another pic of the neighborhood near my school. This is pretty much what it looks like every day.


Joel said...

Deb! it was fun to chat last evening! or whenever it was in Japanese time zone. Anyway, I'm glad to see that McDonalds is alive and well on that side of the globe, you simply must tell me if they have mcsushi, I doubt it but then again no believed in the fillet-o fish until it was staring up at them from that universal wrapping they use on the food. You know, the kind that as like names of all the different burgers and depending on how they wrap it the name for what's inside will be the one you see. I know I know, this wrapping paper is very amusing for you, believe you me I mean it no disrespect. I'm working on that international studies program we talked about... perhaps I'll ben seeing you soon ;)

Anonymous said...

"I'm NOT short. I prefer think there is simply more space above my head for word balloons full of devastatingly pithy witticisms."
~ R. Stevens

Just thought I'd pass that one along to you... :)
