Monday, November 05, 2007

Three weeks in a blog-shaped nutshell

Just a few pictures to let you see what's happened since the last post:


  • Top left: as I may have mentioned in a previous post, my school illegally evicted me from my apartment, but a friend of mine graciously offered me the extra room at his place until I could start my homestay with a Japanese family. This is the room I slept in for 3 weeks. Needless to say, I positioned my futon very carefully in case there was an earthquake. I didn't want the sword to fall over and chop off my leg. :)
  • Top right: after we didn't get paychecks, most of my coworkers stopped going to work. Instead, we all took a day to sit around at my friend's apartment and play card games. I made taco salads for everyone as incentive to get them to come.
  • Middle left: a few of my favorite students. We took this photo just a couple of days before my school closed. L to R: Yumiko, Ayako, Me, and Kiyomi.
  • Middle right: later in October, I began a homestay with a Japanese family in Tokyo. Since my friends were still not going to work, I recruited them to come help me move my things. (They're so nice!) Here they are taking a break while we rode the train from Yokohama to Otorii.
  • Bottom left: This is the outside of the house I live in now. It's way cool and modern.
  • Bottom right: My new home is only a 15 minute walk from the Tama River (which separates Tokyo Prefecture from Kanagawa) as well as Tokyo Bay. In the distance you can see Haneda Airport. I love the view here!

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