Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kamakura in the summer...

...is not really that much different than any other time of the year, but still one of my most favorite places to visit.

  • Left: Lots of sunshine + heat and humidity + me = sunscreen and lots of water.
  • Right: This time, I took Heather to the same bamboo forest that Laura and I went to on my first visit to Kamakura.

  • Left: back to the buddha!
  • Right: this is a pond at Hasedera Temple, just down the street from the big Buddha. Notice its shape. No, you need not worry about any fascist dictators in this country. This shape has actually been a "good luck" symbol in Buddhism for a couple thousand years.

  • Left: near the same pond were these tiny little statues. Actually, there were probably a few hundred of them. I'm not sure what they represent, but I thought they looked pretty cool in the picture. I'm such a tourist.
  • Right: You can see the real size of these statues in this picture (they're along the wall just above where Heather was lighting some incense).

  • Left: Cute!
  • Right: A view of Kamakura city from the viewpoint at Hasedera.

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