Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Duck's Nest

As part of a project at my school, my students are preparing a presentation on Sugamo, which is an area of Tokyo with a famous shopping street. This area is known for being popular particularly among the elderly. Consequently, there are a lot of drug stores and shops selling everything from hot water bottles to traditional snack foods underwear. (More on that later.) One of the students in my class is also a professional photographer, so she gracefully volunteered her time and talents and came with us to take some pictures. The first two images here are from her. Take a look:

  • Left: In Maruji, one of the shops famous for selling the red underwear. Red underwear is supposed to be lucky and also keep you warmer (but why or how is beyond me...). This is me trying to show my excitement about my first trip to the shop.
  • Right: Some of my students were even more excited than I was...

  • Left: One of the traditional snacks available in Sugamo is grasshoppers. It took me a few minutes, but I eventually worked up enough nerve to try it. But a VERY small piece only. All of the other students in my group had tried it before and really enjoy it. My opinion: not as bad as I was afraid it would be, but not a particular texture that I care to ever have in my mouth again.
  • Right: (Most of) my students outside Maruji. I think it's safe to say that a good time was had by all. Even Elmo. :)

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