Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It wouldn't be spring in Japan without...


This year, I am ashamed to admit that I let my responsibilities at work get the better of me, meaning that I lost track of time and missed Sakura season at its peak. Thankfully, I was able to take a day and go back to Shinjuku Gyo-en for my annual "hanami" (blossom-viewing). I was disappointed to see that many of the trees were nearly done blooming and were instead shedding petals everywhere, but I still enjoyed the visit.

  • Top left: the petals covering the ground near the entrance looked like snow. All afternoon, I was brushing them off myself--it was a breezy day!
  • Top right: close up
  • Bottom left: view from the window of the Chinese tea house
  • Bottom right: This photo cannot do it true justice: the blue sky that day was by far the best I've seen during a visit to this garden. *Almost* equally as spectacular as the pink. :)

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