- Left: went to the "Hawaii Festival" in Odaiba and got coconut bubble tea. Not that interesting in and of itself, except for the fact that the straw was more than twice the height of the cup. Weird...
- Right: Children's Day was celebrated on the 5th of May. These windsocks are hung outside of pretty much every house where children live, in addition to daycare centers, schools and this children's activity center in the building next to where I work. Admittedly, the carp windsocks look pretty lifeless in this photo, but when the wind blows through them they are meant to look like fish swimming upstream--a symbol of strength.
- Left: this store gets my (nonexistent) award for "Weird Shop Name of the Week"
- Right: Ran across this fantastic shopping bag while browsing in Loft (pretty much one of the most awesome department stores in Tokyo...) and couldn't resist. No, it's not Japanese English, but it's definitely just as funny. :)
Oh my goodness, Mel. That bag is hysterical. And...I just thought that you should know that the security word that I have to type to leave this message is none other than "poped" -- as in, "Look out Papa Benny, you just got poped!"
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