- Top left: the dinner table. Actually this was the first formal sit-down dinner to take place in our apartment since I moved in. My family very thoughtfully sent some Thanksgiving food to me by mail, so I was able to serve some of the more traditional foods.
- Top right: the dinner guests. No Thanksgiving dinner in Japan would be complete without people from at least four different countries. L-R: Kiara from NM, Brendan from NY, Kim (the loveliest Canadian flatmate in the world), Mac (Japanese, to be sure), and Ash from London (one of my coworkers).
- Middle left: this is Laura, another one of my coworkers. She's from Scotland. And she's also fantastic.
- Middle right: Pumpkin Pie!!!!! I am honestly so glad that Costco exists here in Tokyo. Earlier that day I had gone there to pick up a few things for dinner. I was able to get an entire rotisserie chicken for 990 yen (about $8.50 USD) as well as the pumpkin pie. For Mac and Laura, it was their first pumkin pie-eating experience ever. Needless to say, it was highly successful.
- Bottom: Kim and I doing the dishes after a wonderful dinner.
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I miss you!
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