- Top left: Ash and I got bored in a department store in Shibuya. Luckily, there was a very obliging Japanese man who volunteered to take a picture of both of us together, otherwise you'd only be looking at one of us right now. As the man handed the camera back to Ash he said, "Oooooh, iss gooood." Just as a side note: the hats we're wearing in this picture are based on the tarako dolls that are the mascot for, yes, mayonnaise in Japan. Check out this website if you want to see more.
- Top right: Another one of the many "hats" I tried on that night.
- Middle left: Later the same evening, Ash and I decided to do our "crazy walk" across the Shibuya-Ekimae intersection--a.k.a. the busiest intersection in the world--which you may also recognize from the movie Lost in Translation. Everytime the signal turns green there are literally hundreds of people (or a couple thousand if it's really busy) waiting to cross here. We pushed our way to the front of the crowd and got Ash's girlfriend to take our picture as we took off running as soon as the light changed. I think some of the people on the other side of the street may have been confused as they saw us approaching. We fully intend to do it again another time, and hopefully get more pics. :)
- Middle right: Ash and me making the "scary face" after a dinner party at his apartment. The "scary face" can also be interpreted as the biggest possible fake smile you are capable of making.
- Bottom left: We had so much fun making the scary face the night before that we had to do it again at work the next day. Also pictured with us are Yuu (one of the staff members) and Salina (another instructor, and the only other American, at our branch). I think Ash an I are the only ones who took the "scary face" thing seriously, though.
- Bottom right: I took this picture at Ebisu Station in Tokyo, and though it doesn't really have anything to do with the other photos, I couldn't resist posting it. The only question I can think to ask is, "What on earth happened to the EAST exit?" (Click on the photo to enlarge.)
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