Yesterday's festivities commenced at 4pm. When friends come over to my house, they usually know that I'll put them to work in the kitchen. I do the recipe selection and grocery shopping ahead of time; I just need the hands.
I also provide the apron... |
One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to make at least one
new recipe each month, and in my entire life this is probably the only
resolution I've succeeded in keeping. I've done so well at it that I just might repeat it again next year. For my birthday-slash-cooking party I found three new recipes to try (I've made the pie before, so it doesn't count). After making only make slight modifications to one dish--due to ingredient availability--our efforts paid off, and this is what we had to show for it:
焼き野菜のバゲットピザ / Grilled vegetable French bread pizza
コーンミールパンケーキとアボカドクリーム / Cornmeal pancakes with avocado cream
クリームチーズパイとさくらんぼソース / Cream cheese pie with cherry sauce
トロピカル味緑茶 / Tropical flavored green tea
スパークリングロゼワイン / Sparkling
I'm secretly giving myself extra bonus points for the colorfulness of the spread. Aren't you jealous?
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